PA : Postgraduate Diploma in Education Administration (PgDEA)

Offered by: Faculty of Education Leadership Development and Management

This course is designed for the newly recruited members of the Sri Lanka Education Administrative Service class III(Open).

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Date Created: 2019-09-24 | Updated: 2019-10-17 | Hits: 3259

2017 Syllabus | 68 Credits | SLQF Level 8

Target Group

This course is designed for the newly recruited members of the Sri Lanka Education Administrative Service class III (Open).


At the end of the course the participants will be able to:

  • understand their roles and responsibilities as education managers to cater for the needs of a challenging and competitive environment. (locally & globally)
  • prepare participants for their future roles and tasks and to equip them with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to initiate appropriate changes in their role performance.
  • provide specific management tools, technical skills and administrative techniques appropriate to education service.
  • display their accountability for the development of education in the country.
  • understand modern management theories and practices and their relevance and application to the management of educational institutes.
  • encourage all members of the institution to work collectively to achieve organizational goals.
  • respond effectively to the demands made on the institution by both internal and external environments.
  • strive to improve themselves to achieve a higher level of excellence, especially in line with national policies.
  • develop skills to employ specific approaches to address the issue of inequity in education.


This course is designed for the newly recruited members of the Sri Lanka Education Administrative Service class III(Open).

Programme Structure

The Post Graduate Diploma in Education Administration Course consists of four components in terms of the taught course, institutional attachment, research project and non-credit supplementary course. All the course components cover 68 credit points. A credit point is considered to have 15 study hours. A study hour is defined as time spent in learning activities directly related to fulfill the requirements to complete the respective qualification. This includes instruction time (in classroom or otherwise), laboratory time and time spent on reading, researching and writing to full fill the requirements of the respective qualification. In the case of field work forty five hours and in the case of institutional attachment ninety hours are considered a credit point. This course has been designed according to the minimum requirements of the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework level seven.

Programme Streams or Categories

0 - None


Course duration is 12 months and maximum of 60 months.


Fees are not specified.

Programme Coordinators

No Coordinator Details Submitted..!


Date Created: 2019-09-24 | Updated: 2019-10-17 | Hits: 3259

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